Dungeons & Dragons: The Wild Beyond the Witchlight
Dungeons & Dragons: The Wild Beyond the Witchlight (standardowa okładka) – wersja angielskaDołącz do Ellywick Tumblestrum i przeżyj niezwykłe przygody!A wickedly whimsical adventure for the worlds greatest roleplaying game.Join Ellywick Tumblestrum, bard of the multiverse, guest of the Summer Queen, and bearer of Morningmist, as she investigates several stories from Earth artifacts and spells such as the Tube of Yous and the Box of Xes.The Dungeons & Dragons: The Wild Beyond the Witchlight is next big adventure storyline that brings the wicked whimsy of the Feywild to fifth edition for the first time. New book will include new characters, monsters, mechanics, and story hooks suitable for players of all ages and experience levels.
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